Naruto Final Chronology

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Game Guide


<><><>V.3 Guide<><><>

Aburame-These are based on their bugs mainly. The bugs can hit massive damage and can be summoned 3 at a time with only 200 chakra cost for each bug. The bugs damage is 1/3 of your tai and there health is 1/3 of your health. An aburames best thing is their chakra draining which takes away all of the targets chakra in just seconds, but you cannot use a jutsu while in it. So after activating kekkai chakra you can send in your bugs to do damage or if you are fighting someone a lot stronger than you are you can run back until its finished. You can spam oiroke when you send in your bugs and even if they are an inu, they will barely get any attacks in, it also helps to nemurihane people after you kekkai chakra and they wont be able to use genjutsu kai then you explode your current bugs move 2 squares above the target, summon the 3 bugs and then you have 3 bugs hitting at the same time while theyre asleep for 10 seconds instead of having 1 or 2 bugs stuck in the back unable to attack.

Villages-Leaf is the most popular village for aburames but its not that great so go either sand or mist for their homing and for some straight attacks early on. Sands homing is better because it hits 3 times while mists hits once and does slightly more damage in one hit compared to one hit from sands but overall sands is better.

Rating *****

Akimichi-Akimichi's can buy pills for there wings to get a 3times tai bonus. All of their attacks cost calories which can be gained by eating ramen up to a max of 5000. The lowest they can get to is 1 calorie, and then they cant use a clan jutsu because they all cost calories. After they get the wings they get baika no jutsu which has to be activated before using the rolling ball (it doesnt have to be activated before every rolling ball but wares off after a while). Then they get their first rolling ball next doing good damage, costing 100 calories and little chakra. Their next jutsu is another rolling ball doing a ton more damage costing 100 calories and 5 kunais and little chakra. And finally they get Bubun Baika costing 500 chakra and 200 calories but does A TON of damage. I dont like this one as much as the rolling ball because its a straight attack and hard to hit with. The rolling ball owns when you have wings+bijuu up.

Villages-Go stone for its ownage tai attacks and wall, the rock attack is good also if you combine it with the tai bonus from wings and bijuu plus its village special owns.

Rating **** (stocking up on pills and ramen brought them down a * T_T)

Gaara-Gaara's have jutsus that can do damage and freeze someone. First they get a jutsu called suna shushin which makes you take 1 step back. Their second jutsu they get is sandsphere (doesnt have anything to do with freezing/slowing down) and it makes you invulnerable while its up and draining your chakra every second. You can attack out of it like if your in the dungeon you can put it up and attack out of it and its real easy for low levels. Its a little slow but it works for almost any level. Then they get sabaku kyu which freezes the target for 2 seconds and does no damage. This jutsu is good because it can hold someone making them unable to attack and also let you get a free hit while theyre frozen and is unavoidable. Sabaku Sousou does great damage and doesnt freeze. Its unavoidable so use it as often as you can. The the last one you get is Sabaku Taisou doing great damage just like Sousou but holds them for 2 seconds. Its also unavoidable and you cant attack while theyre held like you can with kyu but it is still good because of the damage it does. Use your freezes as much as you can and they will have a hard time moving around and getting in a hit and also helping your damage immensly.

Villages-Go Sand for the early jutsus you get before you get your damage ones. And then you get the best homing in the game which can also be used while theyre held in sabaku kyu.

Rating ****

Haku-Their mirrors are awesome and are almost unbeatable against some clans. The mirrors take 300 chakra a second + you can use sensatsu twice in a second meaing its 900 chakra a second total (each sensatsu is 300 chakra.) So really if you have a bijuu and a fairly good amount of nin and chakra almost anyone will have trouble outwaiting your mirrors so they usually stand in one spot and wait for you to move there (you automatically move to different places each second with your mirrors up) and then just hit you with their strongest jutsu. Watch out for aburames, medsics, uchihas, and gaaras because the aburame can drain all your chakra in 10 seconds making your mirrors go away and you being useless and gaaras have sandsphere which makes them invulnerable against your nin sensatsu while theyre sitting there attacking you out of it when you get in front of them. Uchihas wont be too much of a problem, sometimes they can get you in tsukiyomi draining almost all your chakra, enough to make your mirrors go away after 5 seconds so then when it comes down to a taren ken battle hakus wont stand a chance. Medics shouldnt be a problem until the later levels because by then they will be able to outheal your damage and go for a while doing that without running out of chakra while killing you with a homing of some sort. There sensatsu is very low damage but its also low chakra and can be held up for so long, it can own anyone and people can use up to 500 maybe 700 sensatsus in mirrors which is why people cant out wait them normally. Sensatsu isnt the only thing that can go out of your mirrors, all other nin attacks can also but none of them will be better than it except maybe a homing from cloud/sand/mist. You will own with sands homing because it hits 3 times, each time doing MASSIVE damage. The mist they get isnt really worth using once you get the mirrors, its mainly good for missions and summons.

Villages-Make sure you go to sand. Once you get level 193 you get the best homing in the game that fires 3 times. It fires once and after that shot goes away after hitting them or coming up short, then the 2nd one comes and then the 3rd after the 2nd is done. Its about 3 times as much damage as sensatsu for each hit. So 9 sensatsus = one fuuton daitoppa (sands homing) if fuuton daitoppa hits all 3 times. Its pretty easy to hit with the homing considering they are boxed up in mirrors and cant run away from it really. And its less on your chakra.

Rating *****

Hyuuga-These guys are based off their 64 and 128 palm strike. They get kaiten that can negates all damage except a ras/chi costing 250 per second and it reflects tai damage but not nin. ( 40% chance of getting) They get another jutsu if they dont get kaiten called shugohakke which doesnt do any damage but theyre invulnerable against all types of damage just like kaiten and is also 250 chakra . Dont kill a boss, bijuu, or enemy in dungeon with kaiten because you wont get the experience or the kill to beat the mission. The 128 palm strike is deadly because it hits 7 times. Especially with a bijuu sometimes you can hit 5-10k each hit (most i have seen was 15k each doing like 100k+ total damage), doing 35k-70k total damage. For the palm to work, they have to stay still for about 2 seconds so it can be hard to hit with at times. They get a byakugan that speeds them up as fast as a bijuu. The byakugan also says someones level, rank, health, chakra, and coordinates. Its a good clan for beginners because its easy to play. You also will end up using most of your clan jutsus. You will have to do some chakra training (unlike some other tai clans doing only stamina) for your kaiten to last long and then i guess if you want to ras/chi someone and finish them up with a no chakra cost palm strike.

Villages-Go stone for its ownage village special. It drains all but about 10% of your opponents health and their chakra. Doton Doryo Dango is also very good damage to use when you are far from you enemy and cant use palm strike. Then the wall can block attacks (not needed as much when you have kaiten) and it can block someone in with you, surrounded on all sides by the wall and then they wont be able to dodge the village special leaving them at 10% max health and then you do a palm doing like 50k damage which is good enough to kill like anyone.

Rating ****

Inuzuka-They first get tsuuga at level 42 which makes you a tornado and you can hit someone repeatedly with it. Its actually good damage for its low level requirement, but its hard to use, will take some practice to get good at it. Then they get Juujin bunshin no jutsu which makes the dog look like you do and will allow you to use soutouro fusion later. It also uses tsuuga when you use it, you can click for it to move and you can hit with your own. Then they get shikakyu which speeds up your movement and gives you a 1.8 times tai bonus. Next, they get soutouro which is a fusion with your dog, costing 2k chakra and lasting 30 seconds. This gives you 2.2 times your tai so combined with shikakyu is 4 times your tai. You use juujin bunshin no jutsus and shikakyu before you do your fusion. You can only use garouga while in soutouro. Garouga is just like tsuuga except it does WAY more damage and owns. Than you can also put up a bijuu after using shikakyu and then use soutouro to get 10 times tai which is why this clan owns so much.

Villages-Go leaf for its village special to combine with your 10 times tai doing over 400k.

Rating ****

Kaguya -The kaguya's bone sword and whip are basicly one of the worst weapons in the game and are required to have on to use the dances which will end up doing more damage then if you used a z blade etc. The bone sword goes with the first 2 dances which are ok for starters since you will do about 1-2k with Yangai no mai (the first dance) the first time you use it. Tsubaki no mai (the second dance has) average damage and will hit about 3-4k the first time you use it. Karamatsu no mai (the third dance) is perfect for multiple enemys since it attacks everyone within 1 square of you doing about 6-8k damage the first time you use it. Tessenka no mai (the fourth dance) is the best one you will get, it costs no chakra and does a huge amount of damage depending if you have decent tai, it auto targets anyone withing 3 squares of you and combined with the bone whip will make it hit even more. Sawarbi no mai (the fifth dance) is another one of the best moves you will get, though costing 10k chakra and hitting only a little more than tessenka no mai it will hit anyone caught with a 5 by 5 sqaure of you doing a huge amount of damage, it has a very bad drawback of having to wait almost 10 seconds just to do another move so this is more of a last hitter instead of like begining or middle. all dances require no chakra except for the last one and teshi sendan which is a basic attack that raises tai about every 6-7 you do. this is probaly one of, or the best tai clan in the game.

Villages-Go mist or sand for its homing and for its ice mirror that can be held when someones chakra is going down from a UD or chakra no mesu.

Rating ****

Lee-These cant use a bijuu while gates are up which is mainly why I dont like them, if they could then they would be one of the best tai clans. Each time they add a gate other than the first 2 gates, it adds to their hp dropping repeatedly. The first gate initial gate drops your health really low and raises tai but the second gate, heal gate spikes you back to full hp and raises tai and both of them make you move faster. Keep up initial and heal gate 24/7 because they dont take away hp and give you a tai and speed boost. Death gate is horrible because it gives 24 times tai but leaves you at 0hp so the first person to get a hit in wins, either one hit or be one hitted, plus since your tai you have to get close making it easy for them to get the first hit especially if they have a homing. I would only use this against a hard person with maybe 2 or 3 times your overall, other wise you wont need it. Heres some info on how the gates work:

1Intitial Gate, 1.3times base tai

2.Heal Gate, 1.5times your base tai

3.Life Gate, 1.8times your base tai

4.Harm Gate, 2 times base tai

5.Limit Gate, 2.2 times base tai

6.View Gate, 2.6times base tai

7.Wonder Gate, 4times your base tai

8.Death Gate, 24times your base tai

If you want to find out how much tai you would have in wonder gate you would multiply your base tai times 4, ignore the extra tai you have from previous gates. Same goes for any of the other gates. In wonder gate, your health goes down extremely fast so you need a ton of stamina to make it worth using and you wont be able to use a bijuu for that health because gates dont stack with bijuus. Same goes for gates 3-6, your health drops quicker from each gate you put up so stamina training is important, dont worry about your chakra or anything else, just all you have to do is put up weights and walk on mountain at the same time. I dont like them because gates dont stack with bijuu so they verse someone with 3 times there health and then they have there own health dropping rapidly from wondergate.

Villages-Leaf is the best for its village special which is tai and probably the best tai attack in the game. If you just have like 25k tai (not too hard to get, a lot quicker than nin) then you have 100k tai in wonder gate without killing yourself and then you use that 100k tai+ village special.

Rating ***

Medic-Medics are awesome but most people think that because they have heals that they are a support character like naras and arent good in a spar battle or something. Medic is my favorite clan because they have ownage heals they can use on themselves making them harder to outlast. Plus they have slice tendons which slows your opponent down and screw nerves that makes them move in all different directions when trying to go somewhere. And they have screw nerves that makes it to where when the other person tries to move, they go in all different directions so they cant face you for a straight attack or run up to you with a tai attack. Before using one of those 2 you have to get up close to the enemy (so dont use it if your going to die trying to use it :P) and you have to activate chakra no mesu which slowly drains your chakra while it is up. Just use it on a tai clan and they wont even scratch you. Their self heal they get at level 93 is based on % so upping nin wont raise it but its very spammable and can spike your health up easily at 1k chakra each heal. They own because theyre so little chakra and right when they think your dead, you spike up your health in a split second and you have a chance again, also is cool to use to raise your health when your training. All of your other heals (shousens) are nin based but they can only target other people so you cant use it on your self but they heal a lot so its good to use on someone else while dungeon training with them or in a war. You can also use it on a nin clan if you want and if theyre using straight attacks they wont be able to face you or move to get to the right spot. Also combine it with your village jutsus and if you have a homing you can spam it and it will be almost unavoidable. You will be using village jutsus for damage so make sure you go to the right village.

Villages-Go sand because it has the best homing because it hits 3 times doing by far the most damage for a homing and then it has a good village special to use against a UD. Going cloud will also be a good village for medics too even though its less than sands homing, using sands homing will keep you frozen until all 3 shots hit and will probably be annoying for a while. Clouds homing is a little less damage but its low chakra and has a low recharge making it spammable and will save more chakra for things such as heals. Clouds homing is actually the best homing to use in dungeons because with its quick recharge you can run through the dungeon spamming it and when you reach the wall they are all deadtakes about 36k nin to one hit all the dungeon enemies with rairyuu.
Rating *****

Nara-Awesome support characters and can OWN in a spar. The holding (expecially with a bijuu) is awesome because it can hold someone for a long time and do ownage damage with the neck bind. With good gen and chakra, almost no one will be able to out wait it and while in it, they cannot rest or do anything so theyre helpless (some neck binds doing 5 mil). The shibari alone is 200 chakra per time you extend but once you get them held, its 100 chakra per second no matter how many times it took you to extend. The neckbind they have costs 700 chakra per second so overall while theyre in neck bind and held its 800 chakra per second. The black mist that they have costs 9k and its damage is based on gen. Its really poor damage because gen takes forever to level and at 27k gen its only 9k damage and then kage nui is also gen based on its damage. Its a little more damage and costs 3k chakra. It is a straight attack going through anything and after it goes about 6 squares it splits into 3. You will be using moslty clan jutsus.
Villages-Go ahead and go stone. It has good defensive like the rock wall that can be used against hakus. Your offensive jutsus will be your nara jutsus mainly so stone will give you defensive jutsus you can use.

Rating *****

Uchiha-This clan is good because of their sharingan freezes. They have sharingans to increase speed and then can freeze for up to 20 seconds mainly. They gen to determine how long they can be held by the no chakra cost sharingan freeze. Sometimes the sharingan freeze doesnt hold the person at all and they break out instantly because they have better gen than you do. While theyre held you can follow up with doton doryo dango, doruhekki or their village special or ameratsu after freezing someone since they cant dodge it while frozen and they do massive damage. Then they get another freeze called mangekyou sharingan which can allow you to use tsukiyomi or ameratsu. They get a cool straight attack called ameratsu which does the same amount of damage as your nin costing 10k chakra and then get a homing that has fair damage, short range, and costs 2k charka. Then they have tsukiyomi which drains 90% of you and your opponents chakra and freezes them (gen determines how long). They should still have enough chakra to do something but once you use it again, they are out of chakra no matter what and it becomes a taren ken battle and because you train your tai for that, you are going to win. Combine uchicha with stone and get village special and you will be able to kill people with 2 times better stats than you. It drains all but about 10% hp on your opponent and drains both of you and your opponents chakra, a little hard to hit with but not a problem if they are frozen by sharingan freeze. They also get 3 katons (same as leafs jutsus.)The first one goukakyuu makes a big circle of fire infront of you with low chakra cost and damage, then housenka which is a medium speed long range straight attack costing little chakra. Then they get their last katon, called endan, which does more damage than the other 2 but is slow and costs more chakra. I see normally 2 kinds of uchihas. Theres ones that freeze, use village special and taren ken them to death (which takes like 5 maybe 10 seconds with follow) and then ones using tsumkai that drains there opponents and there own chakra, then from there they follow and taren ken and whoever has the better tai/health from there wins and since they are built for that, they usually can kill people by doing that.

Villages-go stone for its level 183 combo with charingan freeze and village special.


-- Edited by Criss at 02:52, 2008-02-04

-- Edited by Criss at 02:53, 2008-02-04



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Posts: 6



Akatsuki (175, 350)-This org is not a starting one. You can join akat by going to Zetsu who is right outside of akat base if you are level 200 or higher. You can also get in at level 150 or higher if you find Kisame somewhere on the map. Akatsuki is a village you go to instead of getting your village special if its not worth using like some of them are or if you are in sound and you already have all your jutsus (assuming you have the snake so you dont get the extra chance at edo tensei.) The only 2 villages that you would want to leave to go to akat other than sound would be mist and cloud because there village specials are horrible and need a major buff. Everyone in akat gets a 40k stat cap which is the same as lt and elite and the akat commander gets 70k. The akatsuki base is also a cool place to chill because only akats can be in it so you dont have those people running in and attacking you while you are training or have bosses come and get you. Akatsuki also does a lot of raiding and if the village they raid ever wants to attack them, they cant because they wont be able to get into akat base. Also when akats kill someone they get the persons money on hand (sometimes they dont have any money on them) and then if you die you lose your money on hand. (not in bank) Thats also another major reason that akats raid villagesfor money.

Bakuretsu Kage Bunshin (level 280)-Explodes a kage bunshin only. This is good for when your low on chakra because its chakra cost is 0 so all you need is the 100 chakra for kage bunshin. The explosion explodes one bunshin at a time doing little damage. (12k damage with 35k nin) This explosion will hurt anything in its range whether it hurts you, your bunshin or your opponent. It can be hard to used on moving targets, especially if theyre moving towards you. Set a macro for your bunshins to attack someone so they wont come back when you move so you can effortlessly send in bunshins and explode them and they wont come back to you letting you get hit by a 15k damage explosion.

Kakuro no Jutsu (level 300)-This jutsu does massive damage doing 32k with 36k nin. The only problem is its a straight attack and costs 12.5k chakra. I dont really use this a lot because its hard to hit with because I dont have any sort of freeze and its way too much chakra for me and on any straight attack. It has a medium speed about the same as housenka.

Genryu Kyu Fujin (Kyuubi)-This jutsu, you get when you join, it is used to steal kyuubi from someone who has it so that you get it but only 1/10 of its power. I dont think that this is worth using because it takes 550 of your chakra away permanetly then its hard to use because it doesnt have a 100% chance to work. Then for it to work, you have to have 2 akats (standing next to eachother) and the target has to be still for about 4 or 5 seconds. The easiest way to steal the bijuu is have the other person use kanashibari while the other one steals the bijuu. Even if its done correctly, the other person can still log out and you wont get the bijuu. Akats can not steal bijuus from other akats.

Genryu Kyu Fujin (Shukaku)-Same thing as kyuubi but works on people with shu.

Rating: ***

Cloud (319, 281)-This is a nin village with high chakra costs. When you join, you will be doing a lot of chakra training to be able to use your jutsus a few times without running out of chakra. A lot of its jutsus also have low recharge and are good for nin training, especially raikyuu. Its homing isnt as good as the others but its still awesome especially in dungeons. Most cloud nins will go akat before village special.

Raikyuu no Jutsu (level 53)-This is a very slow moving high damage (for its level) lightning ball. Its hard to hit people with and costs 500 chakra. This jutsu has a 1 second rechage so its ownage for nin training if you have some chakra.

Rairyuu no Tatsumaki (level 106)-Probably the best jutsus you are going to get from cloud because its a homing. It has a quick recharge and a medium range and a nice speed. This is probably the worst homing (not including sounds) that you get from a village but its still a good jutsu. It costs 1600 chakra to use and with its quickest recharge, its the best homing to use in the dungeons at high nin and chakra taking about 36k nin to one hit a strong snow-nin.

Ikazuchi no Kiba (level 197)-A high damage straight attack costing 750 chakra doing a lot more damage than your previous jutsus. It also has just a little longer recharge than raikyuu and will be good in dungeons if you have poor chakra for your level like I did. This one is a little quicker than raikyuu.

Futagoza no Jutsu (level 206)-This jutsu is very similar to ikazuchi no kiba. Its a straight attack with about a 2 second recharge doing GREAT damage. Its massive damage isnt the only reason why it ownsits the 100 chakra cost it has. By the time you get this ownage jutsu, you will be able to use it over 300 times before running out of chakra because its so good. Now if you have full chakra you would want to use your homing but when you start getting low on chakra use this and you wont run out of chakra before your oppoenent. Its just a little faster than raikyuu.

Village Special (level 310)-Clouds village special has the range of nemurihane so its easy to hit with. It doesnt do as much damage like futagoza, its about the same as rairyuu or ikazuchi no kiba. The only problem with this jutsu, is its 30k chakra which is way too much. The only time your going to use it, is when you are hitting over 3 people or if you want to kill someone while you are trapped outside of mirrors or to go through some kind of wall. If you dont like this village special, you dont have to have it, go akat before you get it to get their jutsus, thats what a lot of cloud nins did like me.

Rating ****

Leaf (197, 198)-This is the most crowded village of them all. It gets 3 jutsus at low levels all costing low chakra and doing little damage. Theyre great for low levels but once you start getting higher then your going to still have those weak leaf jutsus meaning you will use your clan jutsus for damage. It has a great village special and is also the only tai village special. A lot of tai clans go leaf just to get the village special because of its ownage damage. I know that a clan like an inu (gets 10k tai from fusion+shikakyu+bijuu) can combine its tai with village special to easily hit over 300k on an easy to hit with attack if you just hit follow. Other clans like lees and kaguyas also go leaf for its village special. All and all this isnt a great village for people that get passed 100 or 150.

Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu (level 25)-This jutsu is great for low levels because it has a 150 chakra cost and a huge range. It shoots a circle of fire in front of you doing little damage.

Katon Housenka no Jutsu (level 55)-This shoots a fireball moving at a quick speed doing low damage with a 250 chakra cost and long range.

Katon Karyuu Endan (level 93)-This jutsu does more damage than the other two with a 400 chakra cost. I dont like it as much because its still horrible damage like the others and goes slow making it hard to hit with.

Katon Gouenn Rasengon (level 289)-To get this jutsu you have to have learned rasengon. All it really is, is a stronger version of rasengon meaning it does more damage.

Village Special (level 310)-This jutsu is awesome because its no chakra meaning you can use it when you run out and its damage is equivalent to your tai making it hit about 3 to 4 times higher than a taren ken. This jutsu owns because it goes through UD so even when someones in UD you can still hit hard.

Rating ***

Missing-Nin-This organization is mainly for people going akat. People that go akat usually go at 223 and pick up jouro senbon. While a missing-nin you gain someones money on hand if you kill them or you could lose your money on hand if you die. It gets a stat cap of 30k for everyone in it.

Jouro Senbon (level 223)-A tai attack costing 3k chakra and has a chance to do 3 things; it can hit the torso doing only damage but more than the others, hit their legs causing them to slow down like a slice tendons, or hit their eye causing coordination loss acting like a screw nerves making them move in all different directions when they try to move. All of them do damage but hitting the torso does the most. This jutsu is awesome, the only problem with it is that it misses a lot.

Rating **

Mist (258, 165)-This is a nin village and itscool because its jutsus move extremely fast making them easy to hit with. Its mist is great (takes out 10% of their health) for bijuus and bosses for weakeneing. Its water prison is cool and the homing they got is very little chakra, has a long range and does great damage so its cool.

Suiton Suiryuudan no Jutsu (level 25)- This is one of the fastest straight attack in the game meaning its easy to hit with. It costs 250 chakra but does low damage and a very long range.

Krigakure no Jutsu (level 50)-This mist costs 300 is cool because it doesnt matter how much health your target has or what your nin is, this takes away 10% of their health (not max health but current health) so each time you hit with it, it does less than the previous one. For this to work they have to be in range of the mist when you use it, if they enter it later it wont do any damage and it only hits once per use. This jutsu is great for weakening bosses and/or a bijuu.

Suiton Daibakufu (level 70)-This is the same thing as suiton suiryuudan but it does more damage and still costs 250 chakra.

Suirou no Jutsu (level 153)-This jutsu is awesome because it holds the target in a water prison only costing 2k chakra for the initial use. Its great to use on someone while theyre in UD or chakra no mesu until they run out. Also a good combo that people do with this, they make a summon like a slug, gamabunta, or edo tensei (edo tensei would be the best for this) and while they hold someone in the prison they have that summon hit the target while theyre frozen.

Suiton Suikoudan no Jutsu (level 203)-This is my favorite jutsu from mist because its a homing. It has the longest range 850 chakra cost doing great damage with ok speed.

Village Special (level 310)-Same thing as clouds village special. It has the range of nemurihane about and is in waves costing 30k chakra.

Rating ****

Sand (86, 153)-This is my favorite village because it has the best homing in the game (hitting 3 times each time doing A TON of damage) suna nami, which shoots 5-8 barrels side by side as a straight attack making it hard to dodge and able to hit a lot of people, then it has a cool unavoidable village special. It gets suna shuriken which is great for nin training, and 2 other good straight attacks. Also its great for probably all nin clans. Often there are medic there (use a massive damage homing with their self heals to out damage and outlast from healing anyone) I see some gaaras they combine their freezes damage and holding with an attack like their homing. Hakus go their and some fire the homing doing great damage, more than sensatsu. And then theirs aburames work well with this because when they verse clans that bugs dont work against they can use daitoppa and even without great nin they can still win.

Suna Bunshin no Jutsu (level 45)-This makes a bunsnhin (costing 100 chakra) doing more damage than a kage bunshin and it doesnt follow you when you move so if you want you can leave it at a place while you go do something else or what I mainly use it for is I make it and have it attack and while its attacking Im moving around hitting with other jutsus and it wont come back like a normal kage bunshin.

Fuuton Kaze Dangan no Jutsu (level 55)-This is a straight attack with 350 chakra cost doing mediocre damage with an average speed.

Suna Shuriken (level 77)- It costs 100 chakra to use with a quick recharge but does horrible damage so don't use it in fights :D.

Fuuton Renkudaan no Jutsu (level 112)-This is the same thing as fuuton kaze dangan no jutsu but it does more damage with 1100 chakra cost.

Fuuton Daitoppa no Jutsu (level 193)-This is my favorite jutsu in the game because its a homing (and the best homing in the game ^_^) and it hits 3 times. Each time it hits, it does a lot of damage and costs 1.8k chakra and has a long range with good speed. At the start when you use it, it fires one attack and it goes to the enemy, (you cant move at this time) then after that one hits or disappears, the 2nd one goes and then when thats done, the 3rd one goes and when that one hits, you can finally move again. With this jutsu, you can one hit every enemy in the dungeon if it just hits 7k with each attack. Even though this hits 3 times, it still does ownage damage on each one.more than clouds homing and probably not as much as mists from a single attack but still overall is better so I see a lot of people hitting 100k with daitoppa.

Suna Nami no Jutsu (level 197)-This jutsu is cool because it can fire 5-8 barrels at a time each one of those barrels is just a straight attack so its like shooting 5-8 straight attacks at a time and they line up side by side causing it to be hard to dodge(the number it shoots is random though its always 5-8) doing low damage with high 3272 cost. Its probably not a jutsu to use in a battle but it is fun to use to hit a lot of people and for firing into villages. Each barrel shoots about as fast as the normal speed movement of someone.

Village Special (level 310)-This jutsu is good because just like all the other village specials, goes through UD. It summons flowers at their location making it impossible to dodge. Its great damage but costs 25k chakra (not as good as fuuton daitoppa) and when someone is running away or low on health just use this and theyre going to be dead before they can move another step. Its also good for hitting someone whose in mirrors while you are trapped outside.

Rating *****

Sound (239, 325)-This org is cool because of the CS that it gets raising stam by 5 times, chakra by 4 times and tai by 3 times. It gets a good damage homing but with its chance to fail, its not so great. Most of sounds jutsus are horrible so you will be using clan jutsus combined with your CS. (so even though sound jutsus are bad you still get cs which owns and easily makes up for that) Theirs a 10% chance of getting into this village, you have to talk to the orochimary sensei who is in sound once you are in sound just go straight up and you will see him outside a building. If you dont get in, you will never be able to try again on that character.

Cursed Seal (obtained when you join sound)-This gives a nice speed boost and raises your stats when put on. You get tai, stamina, defense, all times 2.

Cursed Seal 2 (also obtaiend when you join sound)-This raises your health by 4.5 times, chakra by 5 times, defense by 2 times and tai by 3 times. Once this ends it leaves you almost dead but stays up until you take it off. Also gives a nice speed boost and is great for using to help you kill a bijuu to seal or just killing anyone.

Zankuhaa (level 74)- A straight attack with good speed costing 400 chakra.

Zankyokukuuah (level 167)-A homing that shoots 3 times doing great damage but it has a chance to fail and costs 7k chakra, with your massive chakra bonus from cs2, this will be able to be used a good amount of times.

Juin Chidori (level 266)-This is just a stronger version of the other chidoris, to get this you have to have gotten chidori at level 230 which is a 66% chance to get.

Kyomeisen (level 277)-A no chakra cost slowdown. This is a great jutsu to use against tai clans to give them a harder time trying to hit you or if youre a tai clan yourself this will give you an easier time hitting others, this is also great for running away/stopping runners.

Habataku Chidori (level 287)-A stronger version than the other chidoris you just need the chidori at level 230 to get this one and it wont matter if you have juin chidori or not.

Rating *****

Stone (70, 299)-This is actually the only tai village in the game. It gets a lot of good jutsus like its rock wall that it has is great for support against hakus or any kind of damage. The rock attack, doton doryo dango, is great damage and used with tai clans sometimes when they are a good distance away. They also have the best village special in the game leaving someone at 10% health and no chakra. Clans that go here are Akimichis, hyuugas, naras (mainly for support from stone wall for the naras), and Uchiha (which use their freezes and can either spam doton doryo dango doing good damage if theyre in a bijuu and being unavoidable, spamming the dragon to make it hit 2 times a second that would normally be hard to hit with but being frozen you wont have a problem hitting, or if you use your freeze and then village special it will also be unavoidable and leave them almost dead)

Doton Doryuuheki (level 68)-This jutsu creates a rock wall in front of you costing onmly 250 chakra and can be spammable. You can use this to surround yourself on all sides to block a hakus needles or any other attack or to trap someone in the walls with you so they cant run while you kill them or hit them with good damage attack like your village special.

Doton Doryo Dango (level 113)-This is a straight attack shooting a rock at the target costing 300 chakra, its damage is based on tai and in a bijuu can do massive damage.

Doton Doryuudan (level 183)-This creates a dragon in front of you that fires 4 shots. It can be spammed to where it fires more and owns if the person is frozen and costs 800 chakra.

Village Special (level 310)-This is probably the best village special in the game because it makes a mountain at the targets location and if they stay their until it goes away (usually people freeze them so theyre stuck) they are left at 10% max health and 0 chakra making them a very easy target to one hit. It costs 40k chakra but its well worth using.


Bunshin no Jutsu (level 1)-This creates a bunshin of yourself that can be moved around but cannot attack cositing 20 chakra per bunshing. Up to 5 of these can be up at once.

Kawarimi no Jutsu (level 1)-Using this will make you invisible, leaving a log behind you, you can move around will invisible for 5 seconds, until you reapear. This costs 5 chakra.

Henge no Jutsu (level 1)-Using this on your opponent will make you look just like him/her but it wont really help you win a battle because they can identify themselves as the one in the middle of their screen. This costs 5 chakra and lasts for 5 seconds before turning back to your original state.

Kage bunshin no Jutsu (level 1)-This is the only jutsu you can get at level 1 that you dont start with. To get this you must use bunshin no jutsu 100 times. Once that is done click on your inventory and then click the kage bunshin scroll and then hit learn. This is the same thing as bunshin no jutsu execpt the bunshins can attack. This costs 35 chakra and you can have 6 of these up at once.

Asshou (level 15)-A basic tai attack, no chakra and low damage.

Oiroke no Jutsu (level 20)-This jutsu when used on someone else, freezes them for 2 seconds. While theyre frozen in this, you can run up right next to them and hit them with a tai attack and sometimes a nin attack. This jutsu costs 0 chakra so it can still be used after someone uses kekkai chakra or anything that may drain your chakra, oiroke no jutsu is mainly for freezing someone if theyre running away so you can catch up or using it then running off their screen if you are about to die.

Genjutsu Kai (level 30)-This jutsu costs 5 chakra and only has one purposeto block nemurihane.

Shou****su (level 30)-Same thing as asshou but more damage.

Tokken (level 45)-More damage than shou****su.

Mei Mei no Jutsu (level 47)-This jutsu makes your icon go partially invisible for 5 seconds. They will still be able to see you and hit you.use henge no jutsu 50 times to unlock this.

Toomegane no Jutsu (level 52)-This jutsu is used to watch someone, when used you will see what they see on their screen. If you are in a tourney and 2 people are fighting, you can use this jutsu to see them better or to get a better view. Gaaras will not get this jutsu however they get another jutsu that does the same thing.

Houshou (level 60)-More damage than shou****su.

Shougeki Shou (level 75)-More damage than houshou.

Gangeki (level 90)-More damage than shougeki shou.

Taren Ken (level 105)-More damage than gangeki. Taren ken will be the last basic tai attack that everyone gets.

Kanashibari no Jutsu (ANBU)-Doesnt matter what level you are, as long as you are any form of anbu. This jutsu costs 3k chakra and freezes the target for 5 seconds. During this time neither people can use a jutsu, but your target is frozen and you arent.

Souja Sousai no Jutsu (level 177)-When used on a target, you and your opponent both die. This jutsu does have a chance to fail so it isnt as good to use in a battle. I mainly use this after making a bunshin, I suicide on the bunshin to get me back to my village.

Chidori (level 230)-To use this, you will click chidori. Then it asks how much chakra you want to put in. Enter the amount of chakra you want to put in (make sure you have that amount of chakra.) Then you will see the chidori appear on your hand, now you are going to run into the person and when you bump into them with it, they take the damage. The damage done is a little less than the amount of chakra you put in. You have a 66% chance of getting this.

Rasengan (level 230)-Same thing as chidori but more damage per chakra you put in, you have a 33% chance to get this. You will either get rasengan or chidori, cant get both and cant get none, you will get one or the other when you get level 230.

Raikiri (level 243)-This is another form of chidori, same thing, just more damage per chakra you put in, you have to have learned chidori previously to get this.

Oodaama Rasengan (level 263)-Same thing as normal rasengan but damage=chakra you put in unless you took a while to hit with rasengon. You must have previously learned rasengan to get this.

Juin Chidori (level 266)-A stronger chidori, 50% chance to get this and you must have learned chidori previously.

Habataku Chidori (level 287)-The strgonest chidori in the game, 50% chance to get this, and must have learned chidori previously.

Edo Tensei (level 300)-To get this, you must have no other summon meaning you didnt get a snake, slug, frog, dogs, or any summon you get from a summon. This jutsu makes 2 (NPC) kages that can attack. There combinded damage is 25k . These have great health but theres only a 32% chance to get this jutsu.

Stat Training

Weight Training-Stamina, tai, experience.

Walking on water-Chakra, experience.

Walking on mountains-Stamina, tai, expereince.

Log Training-Raises tai, expereince.

Kunai Training-Raises tai, experience.

Mold Chakra-Nin, chakra, expereince.

Leaf Concentrate-Chakra, experience.

Meditate-Gen, chakra, experience.

Rock Lifting-Stamina, tai

Obstacle Course-Random stat bonus

One of the best ways to stat train is to use weights on mountains. This will give you massive tai and stamina which every clan will need. If you want chakra, the thing to do would be walking on water. I dont use a lot of the new training methods except I use mold chakra and then rest. The obstacle courses are mad hard and probably arent worth it.

-- Edited by Criss at 02:49, 2008-02-04



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Nice guidesmile



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Dugeon Training/Plvling

Dungeon Entrance:28, 269, 1

Health Experience Damage

Floor 1:

Spider 1k, 150-480, 280

Snake 2k, 200-700, 940

Floor 2:

Snake 2k, 200-700, 940

Big Bug 3.3k, 500-800, 2517

Floor 3:

Weak Snow-nin 5k, 1.k-1.5k, 2947

Medium Snow-nin 6k, 1.6k-2k, 4181

Big Bug 3.3k, 500-800, 2517

Floor 4:

Weak Snow-nin 5k, 1.2k-1.5k, 2947

Medium Snow-nin 6k, 1.6k-2k, 4181

Strong Snow-nin 21.6k, 3.6k-4.2k, 12680

Trapped Spirit 15k, 2.6k-3.4k, 8310

Wolf 8.8k, 2.2k-2.6k, 4277

Dungeon Scroll Seller Location: 26, 269, 1 (right outside of dungeon)

The dungeon scroll seller sells you scrolls which you can buy for 500 yen each. Each scroll can be used 10 times and when used, it teleports you to the entrance of the dungeon. (used after dieing in the dungeon)

Plvling or Dungeon Training is when a person (can be in a squad or not) goes in the dungeon and kills the enemies to get experience to level up. Really, the only point of leveling up would be for jutsus, it doesnt raise your stats that much. Most people when plvled, have a strong person in their squad and that person will kill the enemies giving experience to each of the members near him/her. This is how low levels get experience on floor 4 in the dungeon when they are too weak to kill the enemies there. When you level up with a bijuu (whether it was from the dungeons or not) you dont gain defense, nin, tai, gen, health, or chakra like you normally would so avoid leveling in bijuu when you dungeon train. Make sure that when you dungeon train, you save some time for stat training. Ive seen people in the dungeons at level 100 and they go straight to level 200 or 300 and then theyre left with horrible stats so even though theyre 3 times someones level, they can still lose if they have worse stats. Stat training is what you do to raise your stats which is done to raise health and chakra, nin, gen, and tai and is the difference maker in battles.
D:Pick weeds, after you have picked any amount of weeds, go back to mission jounin and you will receive 4 yen for each weed picked. This mission can be done as many times as you want.

C:Go to cloud to find the scroll. Once you get to the entrance of cloud, follow the bottom wall of cloud moving right. When you reach the corner, just go straight up along the right wall until the wall stops. Now you should see the scroll just a few spaces in front of you. Use kawarimi to get to the scroll and then pick up before you die to the cloud nin. Once you have the scroll let the cloud nins kill you (unless you are in cloud village) to make you respawn at your village. Talk to the mission jounin, click mission C reward of yen.

B: (you must be a chuunin atleast to start this) Once this is started it will say that you will need to find haku somewhere in mist. Once you get to mist go across the bridge and go straight down until you reach the bottom of mist. Now go to the right until you are at the corner, haku will be near that corner. Keep attacking him until he dies, once he is dead, talk to your mission jounin. You will get a stat boost and yen.

A: (you must be chuunin for this) Go to the bridge right outside of mist. Now you are going to go straight down to the corner. Once at the corner look around the place until you find zabuza, he shouldnt have moved too far from that point since he respawned. After killed talk to your mission jounin and you will receive a stat boost and yen.

S1: (Jounin) Go to sand village and as soon as you enter go directly up until you see about 30 sand nins guarding a scroll. Once you are here you are going to be on the top wall and heading left. At about the middle at the top wall (or above the kage building) will be his spawn point. Search around there for gaara and once hes dead talk to mission jounin to receive your reward for a stat boost and yen.

S2: (Anbu Grunt) Go to valley of the end, which is southwest of sound and northwest of leaf. Here will be sasukes spawn point, kill him when he is found and talk to mission jounin for stat boost and yen.

S3: (Anbu Lieutenant) Go between the west wall of leaf and reborn temple, this will be oros spawn point. Kill him and talk to the mission jounin for a stat boost and 9000 yen.

S4: (Anbu Lieutenant) Go to sound, once there just go straight up to where a building is with the orochimaru sensei standing outside of it. Go straight on in the building (dont talk to orochimaru sensei unless you want to join sound) and you should see oro2 and some sound nins. The sound nins will hit over 7k on you so you will have to spam kawarimi while moving around and maybe nemurihane oro2 to freeze so he is easier to hit. Once he is dead go and talk to mission jounin for 10000 yen and a stat boost.

Stat Caps

Student: 1k

Gennin: 2.5k

Chuunin: 15k

Jounin: 20k

Anbu Grunt: 30k

Missing-Nin: 30k

Akatsuki Member: 40k

Anbu Lt: 40k

Anbu Elite: 40k

Sannin: 50k

Kage: 50k

Akatsuki Commander: 70k

When you get a stat capped, it can still raisejust slower than normal. Stat caps work for stamina, chakra, nin, tai, and gen. If you were a kage then your stat cap is 50k, so if any stat goes over 50k, it will train slower than a stat that is under 50k. To get higher stat caps, you have to get your rank higher, you can do this by getting good stats to have your kage rank you.or if you want to be kage you can kage challenge (explained in next section.) The sannin is a rank given out by a kage as well as anbu grunt, anbut lt, anbu elite, and jounin, but there can only be 3 sannins in your village so train up and be one of those sannins!

Chuunins Exam

This is an exam that comes every 3 hours after reboot, open to all gennins level 30 and above. You may only join chuunins in the time period that it starts, after a minute after starting, the exams will close. To join when the exam starts, you will have a tab pop up on your screen saying "chuunins" click it and hit join exam. You will be teleported to a building, take the test and once you are done you will be teleported to an arena. You will be randomly given a scroll, heaven, or earth. Search for other people in the exam and kill them. If you kill someone with the same scroll as you, go find someone else and kill, and keep killing someone until you get both types of scrolls. Once you have both scrolls, go to the middle of the exams where you will find a building, walk through the building and you will become chuunins. A great strategy for chuunins to to right before the exam you will hit who and look at who will be in ityou can tell by who is over level 30 and gennin. You will know by right clicking there names if they are strong or not by memorizing there levels. If you find that the person you see can probably beat you, you can spam kawarimi and run away and they probably wont be able to find you. If you see someone that you might be able to kill start attacking them, if they run use oiroke to freeze them and run up and hit them will attacks. Oiroke no jutsu is spammable and costs 0 chakra so use it as many times as you like.

Kage Challenge

A kage challenge, is a challenge that you send to your kage asking for a fight. A message will appear on the kages screen saying that you want to challenge and he can either decline or accept. If he accepts, both of you will be teleported to an arena. Now you will face off against your kage. Whoever kills the other person first will win. Remember, dont challenge the kage unless you know you have a chance, because this will cost you 8k to challenge so challenge wisely. If a kage declines too many challenges, the he/she could have kage taken away by a game moderator and given to another person, or if the kage hasnt been on in a weak, that person will lose kage. If you are kage and accept a challenge and win you will get 5k so accept any challenge you may get whether you think you can win or not.


A war is a battle between two villages. It can be started by a kage that declares war on another village. Once a war between 2 villages is started, both kages will be teleported to the arena. Any villages of either village may join the war by clicking join by the war tab that pops up on there screen. To win the war, you have to kill the other teams kage (you can also lose if your kage dies.) Killing people other than the kage from the other village will weaken their damage but wont win you the war. Once the kage on the other team is dead, the kages will be teleported back to the village and you can click flee from war on your war tab.


Fisherman loactions:

194, 136 (south of leaf)

190, 381, (northeast of akat)

220, 382 (north east of akat)

458, 29 (in the southern part of nano)

Catchable Fish, selling prices, health and chakra.

Rod 1: 3k

Capelin-50 yen 500 health 0 chakra

Mackerel-110 yen 0 health 1800 chakra

Croaker-70 yen 0 health 500 chakra

Herring-130 yen 0 health 1300 chakra

Swellfish-90 yen 800 health 0 chakra

Redfish-150 yen 0 health 1000 chakra

Rod 2: 18k

Cod-0 190 yen health 1300 chakra

Lumpfish-170 yen 0 health 1300 chakra

Mackerel-110 yen 0 health 800 chakra

Swellfish-90 yen 800 health 0 chakra

Redfish-150 yen 0health 1000 chakra

Herring-130 yen 0 health 1300 chakra

Rod 3: 37k

Cod-190 yen 0health 1300 chakra

Herring-130 yen 0 health 1300 chakra

Redfish-150 yen 0 health 1000 chakra

Salmon-210 yen 500 health 0 chakra

Halibut230 yen 0 health 1500 chakra

Lumpfish 170 yen 1300 health 0 chakra


Trout-250 yen 1800 health 0 chakra

Halibut-230 yen 0 health 1500 chakra

Cod-190 yen 0 health 1300 chakra

Salmon-210 yen 500 health 0 chakra

Lumpfish-170 yen 1300 health 0 chakra

Tuna-310 yen 0 health 1800 chakra

Rod 5-------

Trout-250 yen 1800 health 0 chakra

Swordfish-400 yen 1800 health, 1800 chakra

Halibut-230 yen 0 health 1500 chakra

Stingray-250 yen 1500 health 1500 chakra

Tuna-310 yen 0 health 1800 chakra

Salmon-210 yen 1500 health

Shark-500 yen 2200 health 2200 chakra

Fishing will give you money used to buy weights, dungeon scrolls, weapons, clothese.anything you need. One thing you can do when you fish you can make a macro for it saying "fish\n.east" this will make you fish and move to the right at the same time, you can use that for moving east, west, north, or south, the point of that is if you have weights, you can weight train and fish at the same time, then if you want you can also use kawarimi at the same time. The first 2 rods give ghetto fish that barely sell for anything, watch out for those rods and dont buy them remember the fisherman will try to scam you. The rod that you want is the rod 5 which give big sexy fish giving you good money, if you dont have enough money for it you can by the rod 3 which gives mediocre fish or the rod 4 which gives hot fish.


Houkou: 2.5 stam/chakra/tai

Isonade: 1.4x stam 1.7x chakra 2.1x nin

Kaku: 1.8x nin 2.6x chakra/health

Kyuubi 3x nin/stam/chakra

Nekomaka: 1.5x health 2.7x tai 1.5x chakra

Rajuu: 2.4x health 1.6x chakra 2.2x gen

Shukaku: 1.5x stam/gen/chakra

Sokou: 2x health/chakra, 1.4x tai

Yamata: 2.8x health/chakra/gen

To seal a bijuu, you have to seal it by killing it. It will tell you where the bijuu is going to spawn and a minute after that it will spawn. The summons can hit over 1 mil so dont get hit. Make sure you get the bijuu you want to get that will help your clan more than any other bijuu. Once a bijuu is killed theres a 50% chance to seal it, if its sealed, you get it, if its not sealed then you have to try again later.


Level 80: Dogs (low health, low damage, you can make 3 of these at once, 7k chakra each)

Level 150: Slug (low damage, high health, 30k chakra, you can make as many of these as you want)

Level 150: Frog (high damage, low health, 30k chakra, only 1 of these can be made at once)

Level 150: Snake (medium damage, medium health, 30k chakra cost)

Level 300: Edo Tensei (high damage, high health, 2 npc kages made)

To get the jutsus you have to talk to certain people. Talk to orochimaru sensei for snakes, talk to Jiraiya for frogs (then go to sand and get scroll at the top right) , tsundae for slugs, and kakshi for slugs. To activate a summon you will click kuchiyose no jutsu and you will make the summon. This has a chance to fail so you can level up summon level to increase the chances of it working just by using the jutsu. If you already have a summon like if you were an aburame, inu, or lee because lees dont have a nin tab, then you wont be able to get one of these. You can only get one of these jutsus, edo tensei is a 32% chance to get.

Village Specials

Stone:Makes a mountain appear with a little bigger range than goukakyuu costing 40k chakra. If this hits it will drain 90% of there health and all there chakra. This jutsu is hard to hit with, so if you have a freeze, you wont have a problem. After they are hit by this, you wont have a problem killing them with your other jutsus.

Leaf:This is just like a taren ken and the other basic jutsus only its damage is your exact tai. To hit with this you have to be right next to them, this will be easy if you use follow and use something like nemurihane or oiroke to stay near while you follow and use the village special. This jutsu costs no chakra.

Sand:This makes 9 bolts appear (3 by 3) on the target. This jutsu is impossible to dodge so it is great for finishing people off but costs 25k chakra.

Cloud:This jutsu has the same range as nemurihane about but does really poor damage and costs 30k chakra. The only time you would use this is hitting someone trapped in mirrors while you are on outside, or trying to kill a lot of people around you at once.

Mist:Same thing as clouds but is in waves.

Village specials are special jutsus that you get at level 310. Most of them are high chakra so wont be a jutsu used primarily but used in certain situations where they might finish off the opponent. The village specials are ranked in order from best to worst, if you dont have a freeze, then leafs village special is better. The good thing about stones is if you are a uchiha you can freeze them for 10 or 20 seconds and then you can hit them with the special easily and theyre not going to be able to come back with no chakra and 10% health. Leafs village special is great for any clan really, because it can be used if you run out of chakra. If you are a lee, you can go in wonder gate and when you use village special you will hit 200k+. Or if you are an inu and use soutouro and a tai bijuu you can get 10 times tai then this might hit over 500k. This is also good for tsukiyomi uchihas because when they drain all chakra from both players, its a taren ken battle and if you have the village special against a taren ken you are going to work, or if you are any clan at all and come up against a tsukiyomi uchiha you can beat them with village special usually even if you have lower tai because its damage is about 2 times more than taren kenbut if they have a tai bijuu and you dont, they will be hard even with a village special.


When you reborn, you lose all your stats and go back to level 1 but you keep all of your jutsus. You may choose another village to go to when you reborn when you talk to the guy in the reborn temple just left of leaf. The only point of reborning is to keep your jutsus from your previous village and combine them with the jutsus you get from your new village. You have to be level 300-309 to reborn meaning you wont get a village special. After you get 310 in your new village you wont get a village special either. After reborning it will require less exp to level up meaning you will level a lot quicker than the first time. You will keep your bijuu but will have to do chuunins again. You also can now reborn into snow, star, or nano, the 3 villages that you can not join primarily. If you are akatsuki, missing nin, or in sound, you cannot reborn and you also cant go into either of those places after reborning.

Special Thanks

Menzu Namiaru-Akimichi clan

Ter-Gaara clan, Hyuuga clan

Damian-non-clan Medic

Themightyme-Kaguya clan

{Thunder god of Sand} Kazuma Sensei-Gaara clan

Tasslehoff-Akimichi clan

Flash of The Inu God-Inuzuka clan

Zarcon-Nara clan

Kadeemkiller-Uchiha clan

Bobby-Uchiha clan

Chewyy-Kaguya clan

Titanic-Reborning, editing most of the guide







Kite and Cite-costs of rods, selling prices of fish

-- Edited by Criss at 02:51, 2008-02-04

-- Edited by Criss at 02:54, 2008-02-04

-- Edited by Criss at 03:16, 2008-02-25



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Posts: 219

OMG more



Status: Offline
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Yeah, it was too big to fit in one post so I had to make 3 xD.



Status: Offline
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WOW, NIce, lol 3 postsmile



Status: Offline
Posts: 31

guide is pretty good but remember things will change



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YUP YUPbiggrin

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