So, there has been a lot of discussion on whether to use Naruto Shinobi Conquest (NSC) or Naruto Chronology 2 (NC2).
My personal opinion, as a huge lover of the original NC, will have to move to NSC, as technically, we don't have real permission from Stego (the original creator) to use his name. Now, think about it, we are changing up the gameplay a lot (improvements no doubt), and improving the game in many way's, now I love NC, but I know a lot of people who think NC and go straight to "badly-coded".
Also, another point I'd like to make, adding a 2 to a name also makes it seem like a rip...I mean, I bet there are tons of NWOTS2, or small rephrasings of it.
Now, this game WILL still be like the Naruto Chronology sequel, as it will have many things in common, but naturally, muchos less bugs, less lag, etc.
Also, once again, as a lover of Naruto Chronology, feel that we shouldn't take away from NC itself. It was a great game, and I NEVER want it to be forgotten....I may make more points later...AND LET THE POLLS OPEN!