I have been working with this game on iconning, but never got any job stability. I used to work with stego befoer he left and i know i can help this game get back to what it once was and what it can ultimately be
I have been icconning for 3 years. I have worked on this game and i am very good. I just need some assignments and i get them done. I helped this game before and i can do it again.
slamfam, why are u being so uptight. i just wanna help a game that i not only ranked, but formely worked for and hosted. I hosted a real server, in fact i have a prehistoric 3.2 version copy. I worked with stego and mole before and feel i should be able to atleast provide help into something that takes a while. I have experience with 5 games including one of my own and i know how long iconning can take. I can also map
K, right, well yeah you believe that and i'm not uptight, i haven't said anything mean or wrong and i have been playin for a while too so don't look down at me ...lol